5 Ways To Deliver Great Customer Service

Implementing and maintaining a customer service department can be a truly difficult task, but delivering great customer service is, more often than not, the deciding factor in the success of your business. In this article, we’d like to take a look at 5 ways in which you can deliver great customer service and make sure all your clients who reach out to support get an enjoyable experience out of it.

1. Understand your customer

At first, this might sound pretty rhetorical, but many companies decide to eyeball the details of their relationship with the customer rather than putting effort into actually understanding it.

Depending on your type of products and services, your clients can differ a great deal from even the clients of your competitors. By building your brand, you create certain expectations that your customers will expect you to meet in all aspects of your business, including support.

Because of this, a great tactic you can employ early on is asking your customers for feedback as often as possible and then making meaningful changes based on that feedback. Your clients will never mind being asked what they think, so leverage this to your advantage! Personalize the support experience and make every interaction count!

Also read: 3 Examples of Personalised Customer Experiences Using Zendesk

2. Provide accessibility

Accessibility is an extremely important topic and providing it for those who need it can truly leave a positive mark on that experience and on their relationship with your company.

Accessibility comes in many forms ranging from offering multiple support channels, so that everyone can use what they feel comfortable with, to customized products and services fit for your clients’ special needs.

The general rule here is that, when you see an opportunity to provide more accessibility, you take it and then you also ask your customers if you did it well.

Also read: 7 Amazing Tips For A Successful Customer Service System

3. Facilitate self-help

Much like we highlighted in our article about the Zendesk AI ChatBot, self-help is a powerful tool that not only saves both parties time, but it also cuts costs for your company. All you need in order to facilitate self-help is to first make sure you have a well-built knowledge-base site, full of useful articles detailing how your clients can solve their most common issues by themselves.

Past that point, even though you are pretty much set, you can still implement a few measures to help ensure that your clients find the information you have laid out for them. One of those measures is, indeed, the Zendesk AI ChatBot. C’mon, give it a read!

Also read: 4 Ways of Scaling Customer Support With Automation

4. Be proactive

Have you identified a trend with multiple of your clients experiencing the same difficulties or having the same questions? Well that must mean something can be changed so their issue is proactively handled.

Whether that means making a somewhat-confusing feature less confusing or maybe even writing an article about how to properly use it, you have the tools to address that issue before your clients even think of reporting it and, when you do this right, your clients notice and appreciate it.

This shows everyone that not only you are keeping a close eye on your customers, but also that you care about making their experience better. Lots of good-will points to be earned there!

Also read: 4 Examples Of What Can Go Wrong In Zendesk Without Good Reporting

5. Listen to your support staff

This might be at the end of the list, but please trust us when we say that it’s no less important than any other of the steps presented so far.

Your support staff is the face of your company. They make or break any interaction with the customer, no matter what measures you have in place otherwise. They have the hands-on experience and see issues appearing before you have any idea of their existence.

This is why you should undoubtedly both facilitate receiving feedback, suggestions and ideas from your support staff, but also reward them for great results, proactiveness and collaboration. Anyone who knows that their voice is heard and their effort is rewarded will perform miles better than a staff member who is treated as an afterthought.

Also read: 5 Things To Look For When Choosing The Right Zendesk Consultant


We can’t stress this enough when we say that customer support is not a service, but a feature. Improving customer support and empowering your staff should be as high on your priority list as your next business pitch. The steps we have listed are relatively easy to implement, but they can make a whole world of difference for your clients and keep them loyal to your products and services.

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