How Companies Are Pivoting From Reactive To Proactive CS

Customer service trends are constantly shifting as every company is fighting to secure their place at the very top. In order to have a chance in this fierce competition, innovation is a priority and keeping up with what the latest trends are is a must.

Luckily, our friends and partners at have made a hefty list of the latest trends and we picked a few to discuss here in the blog. The first subject we’d like to approach is the transition from reactive to proactive customer service and how more and more companies are embracing this approach.

Upstream solutions

In the effort of becoming more proactive, companies can take several approaches, but, if the goal is excellence, then, without a doubt, upstream solutions are the way to go.

What this tactic entails is not only attempting to solve a problem before it gets the chance to affect clients, but also addressing it at a level as close to the source as possible. Whether it’s using historical data to predict future incidents before they happen or just proactively offering customers alternatives and fixes, this approach does many things right.

By predicting and preventing incidents, you get to cut costs on all the time spent solving them or on addressing related customer inquiries and offering proactive solutions shows customers that you care and that you have the necessary insight and know-how to understand the potential flaws of your product.

No internal barriers

It is no secret that team division often causes a lot of damage to both internal and external business relationships. However, if a company makes efforts to remove all internal barriers between teams like customer service, operations, finance and so on, it will quickly become obvious that this is the way to go.

Once teams start communicating and collaborating more, they can start being proactive with each other by preventing pain and understanding each other’s workload better. Along with that, teams that have the chance to work well together also have a boost in morale and productivity, thus yielding better results overall.


We believe that proactive strategies are the future of customer service and that this will will soon become a standard that any company looking to succeed should adopt. Preventing issues from happening builds trust among your customers and saves the company precious funds that can then be repurposed towards more lucrative endeavors, so there has never been a better time to start being proactive.

Are you looking to implement a more proactive strategy within your own company, but don’t know where to start? Let’s have a chat and figure it out together!

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