9 Benefits of Good Customer Service in 2022

In past articles, we’ve explored many aspects of customer service and we’ve also established that great customer service can make a big difference for any business. Let’s take a deep dive into the specific benefits of customer service done right.

Why is Good Customer Service Important?

As we’ve mentioned in the past, good customer service can make a whole world of difference, not only for newer businesses, but also for well-established ones. A big part of your clients’ perception of your brand comes from the interactions they have and the level of quality the customer service is at. Many studies show, through clear-cut data, that customers are much more likely to stop using a service or product, after a negative customer service experience, and much more likely to become loyal to the brand, if the experience is positive instead. Think of your best and worst experiences and how those affected your perception and future decisions and, surely, you will see the data checks out.

Also read: 5 Ways To Deliver Great Customer Service

What are the Benefits of Customer Service?

Improved Customer Request Deflection

Customer request deflection is achieved by providing your customers with accessible self-help resources that they can go through before they feel the need to contact your support department.

Satisfaction and Loyalty

As we’ve mentioned earlier, a customer who is satisfied with the service they’ve received, will more than likely stay loyal to the company that provided it. Therefore, striving to perfect that service is key.

Insights on Customer Service Satisfaction

By placing your focus on customer service, you will get more chances to receive feedback from your clients. That way, the process of figuring out what they like and what they don’t will become a lot faster and easier.

Improved Customer Service Efficiency

Investing in a great support department is usually not cheap, but a well-trained team will often succeed in cutting down costs later on by being more efficient and saving time.

Better Brand Image

It goes without saying that doing a great job and treating your customers well is the type of reputation you should aim for. Whenever you exceed at this, word spreads fast and attracts new clientele while also reassuring your more established public.

Customer Retention is Cheaper than Acquisition

The facts are in the title! It is no secret that reeling in new customers takes ad campaigns, promotions and a whole variety of tactics, while keeping your loyal customers mostly only requires maintaining the same level of quality you’ve shown them so far.

Improved Customers Lifetime Value

The Customer lifetime value (or CLV) metric shows the total revenue one client account is expected to generate. A higher CLV means that your clients buy your products and use your services more regularly or in higher volumes. What pushes them towards achieving a higher CLV is, you guessed it, great customer service.

Customers Likely to Pay More

When a brand establishes a high quality bar, it becomes THE brand for the specific product it sells. That way, clients trust that their money, even in higher amounts than what the competition might be asking for, is well spent.

Customers will Refer new Customers

What do we usually do when we just made a purchase that we are happy with? That’s right, we tell our peers. A quick “Check this out!” or “Look what I got!” go a long way in the new customer referral process.

Also read: How to Measure Customer Service Satisfaction [and Metrics to use]


And there you have it! We’ve gone through why good customer service is important and a few of the many benefits it brings to businesses. It’s clear that, when defining success, good customer service should be one of the main aspects to praise and the lack of it should impose some questions about the business’ strategy.

Are you looking to improve your customer experience by equipping your support department with the right tools for the job? Give us a call and let us help you figure out what the best strategy for your business is.

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