How to export a random list of tickets for quality check using Zendesk Explore

In the customer service universe you have various types of situations and scenarios. It sometimes seems that everyday is different. If you’re like me, that’s the best part about the job. New challenges is what keeps some of us going.


I worked with this insurance company that, among others, offered insurance for satellites. Wait, what? Yes, you read that right. I was quite taken back by the business. Anyway, the post is not about that, it’s about them needing to check for quality of support delivered. The managers needed a way to randomly check from a list of thousands of requests having come into the system to see how support was handled.

The out of the box Zendesk Explore does not offer a possibility for this, but luckily there are always workarounds.


  • Create a new query based on the Support Tickets dataset.

  • Create a new STANDARD CALCULATED METRIC called 'Random Number':


  • Edit the aggregators to only show MAX

  • Create a new TOP/BOTTOM ATTRIBUTE 'Random Number Top 10'


Now create your report:


  • Ticket Status>Solved


  • D_COUNT(Tickets)


  • Random Number Top 10


To give a random list of solved tickets.

And you’re done!

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