The FIRST Signs Your Zendesk Will FAIL

In the dynamic world of customer service, the efficiency of your support system can make or break your business. Recently, Dominic delved into the telltale signs that your Zendesk setup is on the verge of collapse. Dominic's insights are invaluable for anyone managing a Zendesk instance. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the critical points.

1. Agents Are Not Productive

One of the earliest signs that your Zendesk might be failing is a noticeable drop in agent productivity. If your support agents seem to be spinning their wheels without making significant progress, it’s time to investigate. Dominic highlights several potential causes:

Complex Workflows: Overly complicated workflows can bog down agents, making it difficult for them to navigate through tickets efficiently.

Lack of Training: Agents might not be fully trained on Zendesk’s capabilities, leading to underutilization of features that could streamline their work.

Ineffective Use of Macros and Triggers: Not leveraging Zendesk’s automation tools can force agents to perform repetitive tasks manually, wasting valuable time.

2. Long Response Times

Another red flag is prolonged response times. Dominic points out that slow responses can significantly damage customer satisfaction and retention. Several factors might be contributing to this issue:

Ticket Overload: If your team is overwhelmed with too many tickets, they might struggle to respond in a timely manner.

Poor Prioritization: Without proper prioritization, urgent tickets may get lost in the shuffle, leading to delays.

Inefficient Routing: Ineffective ticket routing can result in tickets being handled by the wrong agents, delaying resolution times.

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3. Too Many Views/Queues

Having too many views or queues can create confusion and inefficiency. Dominic explains that while views are essential for organizing tickets, too many can clutter the workspace and slow down the process. This often happens due to:

Over-segmentation: Creating views for every possible scenario can lead to an overwhelming number of views, making it hard for agents to find what they need.

Lack of Consolidation: Failing to consolidate similar types of tickets can result in unnecessary views and queues, complicating the workflow.

4. Feeling Stuck

Dominic’s final point is more psychological but equally important. If you feel stuck or frustrated with your Zendesk system, it’s a significant sign that something is amiss. This feeling often stems from:

Rigid Processes: Inflexible processes that don’t adapt to the evolving needs of your business can lead to frustration.

Outdated Practices: Holding onto outdated practices and not updating your Zendesk setup to align with current best practices can hinder progress.

Lack of Innovation: Not exploring new features and integrations can leave you feeling like you’re constantly behind the curve.

Also read: Generative AI For Call Summaries With Zendesk Talk

Solutions and Recommendations

Dominic doesn't just leave us with problems; he offers solutions to get your Zendesk back on track:

Streamline Workflows: Simplify workflows and ensure they are logical and efficient. Regularly review and update them to reflect changes in your business processes.

Invest in Training: Continuous training for your agents on Zendesk features and best practices is crucial. Consider regular refresher courses and onboarding sessions for new hires.

Optimize Views and Queues: Regularly audit your views and queues to ensure they are necessary and useful. Consolidate where possible and eliminate redundancies.

Stay Updated: Keep up with Zendesk updates and best practices. Join user groups, attend webinars, and read up on the latest trends to ensure your system is always optimized.


Dominic’s video serves as a vital wake-up call for any business relying on Zendesk for customer support. By recognizing and addressing these early signs of trouble, you can ensure your Zendesk setup remains efficient, responsive, and capable of meeting your customers’ needs. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take proactive steps today to safeguard the future of your customer service operations.

Are you noticing any of these signs throughout your project? We can help you deal with them!